Shinto Ryu was founded in 1890 by Hibino Raifu and was spread through Japan as a martial and cultural asset. Originally a kenbu (sword dance) and gekkiken (early Kendo) tradition it eventually became a style of iaido with an emphasis on tameshigiri (target cutting). Brought to Seattle by Robby Pellett in the early 90s, it is taught today by Christian Moses and Jeremy Hulley who hold Renshi (full teacher) licenses and are the heads of Shinto Ryu USA. Shinto Seibu Ryu is a dynamic sword art that emphasizes precision, power, and clarity of movement. The curriculum includes solo kata (forms) as well as tameshigiri (target/test cutting), paired kata, and some additional short weapon forms introduced by our teacher in Japan, Mochizuki Takeshi.

Timeline of Shinto Seibu Ryu Iai-Battojutsu
- 1890 Shinto Ryu is founded by Hibino Raifu.
- 1965 Mochizuki Takeshi begins training in Shinto Ryu Iaijutsu Watanabe ha.
- 1979 Mochizuki Takeshi receives license of Instructor of Shinto Ryu Iaijutsu and is entered into the Shinto Ryu Soke Jikimon.
- 1986 Battojutsu is introduced into Shinto Ryu by Mochizuki Takeshi and he is recognized as a Soshi (master) of Shinto Ryu Iai-Battojutsu by Soke Hibino Masaharu.
- 1989 Robby Pellett begins training in Shinto Ryu Iai-Battojutsu under Mochizuki Takeshi.
- 1990 Mochizuki Takeshi creates the Seibu juku as a parent organization to cover the three main arts he instructs (Shinto Ryu Iai-Battojutsu, Ishhin Ryu Shurikenjutsu, and Asayama Ichiden Ryu Nijo Kamajutsu.
- 1992 Robby Pellett is awarded shodan in Shinto Seibu Ryu Iai-Battojutsu and later returns to Seattle, WA where he introduces Shinto Ryu to Seattle School of Aikido.
- 1999 Christian Moses and Jeremy Hulley begin studying Shinto Ryu under Robby Pellett at Seattle School of Aikido.
- 2005 For health reasons Pellett sensei is unable to teach regularly and asks the senior students (Peter Palmer, Christian Moses, and Jeremy Hulley) to lead classes in his absence.
- 2006 Christian Moses and Jeremy Hulley are promoted to 4th dan in Shinto Seibu Ryu Iai-Battojutsu.
- 2009 Robby Pellett sensei is awarded Renshi menkyo and godan in Shinto Seibu Ryu Iai-Battojutsu.
- 2012 Robby Pellett sensei formally retires, awarding Renshi menkyo to Christian Moses and Jeremy Hulley. With Mochizuki sensei’s blessing, Christian Moses is designated the second head of the Seattle Shinto Ryu dojo.
- 2019 Christian Moses and Jeremy Hulley announce Japanese Fighting Arts Northwest as an umbrella organization to teach Shinto Seibu Ryu Iai-Battojutsu, Aikibudo, and Budo Tanren.
- 2019 Robby Pellett passes away (August).
- 2020 Seattle School of Aikido is closed due to the ongoing COVID19 pandemic.
- 2022 Mochizuki Takeshi passes away (August).
- 2022 Training in Shinto Seibu Ryu Iai-Battojutsu resumes as part of JFANW